
A Old Sister Was Dead, And Is Alive Again By God Heal

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2021-04-20 21:58:39 China Testimony1608520

An old sister was dead, and is alive again by God heal 1

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony

In May 2019, we are collecting the fourth collection of Testimonies of the Church of True Jesus.A witness about the resurrection of the Yao Zhenghui sisters,

Brother Xie asked me to confirm with Deacon Cheng Jianhui of Hunan Church.

So on 8, May I sent a message to Deacon Cheng . On May 9, I received a reply saying that the old sister was judged dead by the doctor in ICU . Her son was about to deal with the funeral , but now he is alive again. Thank God!

Witness: Sister He Lin

Date: May 2020

An old sister was dead, and is alive again by God heal 2

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony

I'm Deng Lingyan from Changsha Church. in the holy name of Jesus Christ to share this testimony, for my mother.

My mother believed in Jesus for more than 30 years. Before, she was always unhealthy. She often had headaches and had no strength to walk.After her neighbors spread the Gospel to her and believed in the Lord, God cured her. On 20 december last year, she was declared incurable by doctors in Xiangya Hospital and spent 10 days in ICU unit . On 4th January ,120 ambulance sent my mother home ready to handle funeral. We ask our brothers and sisters in the church to help us pray for God. Thank the Lord Jesus for listening to our praying, and my mother is healed and better.

we see the limitations of medicine, but in our God all things are possible.So Jesus whom we believe, is the true God. Thank God, and give all the glory to God and Father in heaven!

Witness: Deng Lingyan

Date: March 2019

True Jesus Church Hunan Church


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